Advancing Indonesian Scholars' Research and Publication in International Outlets: A Virtual Workshop

Limited seats available for the "Advancing Indonesian Scholars' Research and Publication in International Outlets: A Virtual Workshop"

Register yourself at the following link:

Bapak dan Ibu Yang Terhormat,

We received such a large number of applications this year and all of the manuscripts were selected through a very competitive process. The space for the one-on-one mentoring sessions is highly limited and we can only have so many mentors for so many participants.

However, we would like to invite you to attend the non-mentoring, general lecture sessions instead, scheduled to begin on November 2, 2020, virtually through Zoom.

These sessions will be led by other speakers, among them our lead instructors, Dr. Paul Kratoska, Dr. Susan Nerney and Dr. Paul Nerney, all of whom have been leading our workshops for the past years. We will cover questions such as "What Journal Editors Look For and Mistakes Authors Makes, Strategies for Writing Academic Manuscripts, What Do Reviewers Look For, and Responding to Referee Reports," among others. See poster for details!

*Free and open to the public!
