Indonesia has more than 60 primate species distributed all across Indonesia. More than 30% of them are endemic primates in certain areas and are still unknown until now. The development of science allows us to discover new species and to learn detailed information about specific species.
Primate Research Center (PRC) IPB University was established in 1990. It was the first primate research center in Indonesia established as a response to the need for an institution that can be the center of science, technology, and management of primates which contributes nationally and internationally. In its activities, PRC IPB University has three main pillars of knowledge: biomedical, biology, and conservation.
PRC IPB University has tried many ways to disseminate knowledge, the latest research, and methods or techniques regarding primates that can be used to identify or solve questions related to primates and their role related to humans. One of the ways to disseminate knowledge is through holding a summer course. This year’s summer course will be held on June 2023 with the theme: The 3rd Summer Course on Current Issues in Primatology: Education and Ecotourism of Primates in Natural Habitat Facilities. The summer course will cover topics regarding ecotourism, the basics of primate sciences, and methods that can be used to process primate-related samples to identify the primates' status and condition further. Participants will learn about primate taxonomy, ethics of sample collection from primates, practicing the proper way of sample collection in the field, sample testing and its validation, and ecotourism. This summer course aims to give the basic and latest knowledge regarding ecotourism, the ethics of sample collection and how it’s done, and primate sample tests.
The participants of this summer course are students or practitioners from India, the Philippines, Nepal, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia, and many more. In addition, students from universities in Indonesia and practitioners from Indonesia are also welcome to join this summer course.
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