The first presentation of Southeast Asia in Transition: Embracing Collaborative Approaches, Understanding the Transformations in Rural SEAsia will take place September 8, 2023. Thy hybrid webinar will focus on the topic of “Collaborative Field-Based Learning in Southeast Asia: Value and Challenges.” In this webinar speakers from the Department of Geography & Environment, Krisna Suryanata (Professor) and Olivia Meyer (PhD Candidate), will share their experience with the 2023 Joint Field School, its rationale and reflections on its implementation. They will share key pedagogical findings that our team discussed in the post-field school workshop, and practical takeaways if we were to replicate this initiative. The discussion will be moderated by Jefferson Fox (Senior Fellow, East-West Center).
If you are in Honolulu, please join us for the in-person presentation in Saunders 443, University of Hawaii at Manoa campus on Friday, September 8, 3:00-4:30 pm HST.
To join us remotely, please register at