Call for Papers: Education, Conflict Histories, and Social Cohesion Building in Indonesia

As part of a joint project titled "Education, Conflict Histories, and Social Cohension-Builing in Indonesia," the Centre for Research on Pace and Development (CRPD) at KU Leuven (Prof. Arnim Langer), the Institute of Political Studies at Heidelberg (Prof. Aurel Croissant), and the Department of Politics and Government at Gadjah Mada University (Dr. Mada Sukmajati), welcome abstracts from junior and senior Indonesian researchers concerning the way in which Indonesia has been dealing with the legacies and histories of conflict, and how a more peaceful and socially cohesive future can be achieved.  The current call aims to particularly bring together scholarship on the role of formal and informal education in fostering conflict and division as well as reconciliation, ethnic and religious tolerance and inter-group understanding in Indonesia.

For the complete abstract and contact information, click here.
