Ki Cahyo Kuntadi and his wife Nyi Sukesi Rahayu, performed a similar solo wayang performance that Ki Purbo Asmoro put on a few days ago. Click the link here to see the performance.
Times around the world:
Jakarta, Indonesia: Sat 28 March, 9:00pm Jakarta-time East Coast, USA: Sat 28 March 10:00am to about noon
West Coast, USA: Sat 28 March 7:00am to about 9:00am
London: Sat 28 March 2:00pm to about 4:00pm
Paris and Amsterdam: Sat 28 March 3:00pm to about 5:00pm
Tokyo: Sat 28 March 11:00pm to about 1:00am on the 29th
Singapore: Sat 28 March, 10:00pm to about midnight
Hawaii: Sat 28 March, 4:00am to about 6:00