DWI MARATANI klenèngan

DWI MARATANI klenèngan
The 2nd night in Nusantara Arts' 5-night series in Solo starts in about 20 hours, Thursday night 11 June in Java (in the USA the morning after Pak Harjito's talk!). 

9am to 1pm Thursday morning 11 June, East Coast USA

6am to 10am Thursday morning 11 June, West Coast USA

2pm-6pm Thursday afternoon 11 June, London

3pm-7pm Thursday afternoon 11 June, Paris, The Netherlands, Germany, Austria

The line-up is:

1. pesindhèn: Nyi Suyatmi—Boyolali

2. pesindhèn: Nyi Wartini—Jaten

3. gérong: Bp Giarto—Gombang

4. kendhang: Bp Wakidi

5. rebab: Bp Gendhon—Klaten

6. gendèr: Bp Muryana—Klaten

7. gambang: Bp Hadi Soecipto—Solo

8. slenthem: Bp Legiyo—Solo

9. kenong: Bp Timbul—Boyolali

10. gong/kempul: Bp Daliyun—Pacitan

11. demung: Bp Darsono "édan"

12. peking: Bp Danang "Bagus"—Karanggedhé