Call for ITLSC Travel Awards and Sponsored Panel Grant for AAS in Honolulu

The Indonesia & Timor Leste Studies Committee (ITLSC) is offering three funding opportunities (two travel awards and one sponsored panel award) to participate in the upcoming annual meeting of the Association for Asian Studies (AAS) held on March 24-27 in Honolulu.

(1)   The ITLSC Graduate Student Travel Award:

●      It provides up to $500 in travel funds to assist a graduate student (conventionally an advanced doctoral student) presenting a paper at the conference. Applicants should submit: (a) a current CV; (b) information regarding any other financial support received for attending the conference; and (c) a brief description of their participation in the conference (e.g., presenting a paper, organizing a panel) (approximately 250 words). All materials must be sent to no later than December 27, 2021.

●      Original receipts will be required for reimbursement after the conference. Standard AAS travel/grant policies apply when deciding on eligible travel expenses ( For students already receiving a travel grant from the AAS, receipts cannot be refunded twice.

(2)   ITLSC Fund for Scholars Traveling from Asia:

●      It provides up to $1000 to assist a scholar traveling from Indonesia or Timor-Leste to participate in the conference. Applicants should submit (a) a current CV; (b) information regarding any other financial support received for attending the conference; and (c) a brief description of their participation in the conference (e.g., presenting a paper, organizing a panel, acting in other official capacity) (Approximately 250 words). All materials must be sent to no later than December 27, 2021.

●      Original receipts will be required for reimbursement. Standard AAS travel/grant policies apply when deciding on eligible travel expenses ( For scholars already receiving a grant from the AAS (e.g., LDC travel grant), receipts cannot be refunded twice.

(3)   ITLSC sponsored panel “New Perspectives in Contemporary Indonesian Studies”:

●      It provides a selected panel financial assistance to cover a conference registration fee for a graduate student/untenured junior scholar listed as a panelist. Organizers of accepted panels should submit their panel proposal submitted to and accepted by the AAS and a list of panelists who are eligible for the grant to no later than December 27, 2021.

●      Further information and specific criteria that sponsored panels should meet are attached below.

●      Original receipts will be required for reimbursement. For scholars already receiving a grant from the AAS (e.g., LDC travel grant), receipts cannot be refunded twice.


Please direct any queries and requests for further information to or


We’re planning new events and networking opportunities. We look forward to seeing you all in Honolulu! 


Executive Board, ITLSC

Kikue Hamayotsu, Ph.D. (chair)

Claire Marie Hefner, Ph.D. (secretary-general)

Rebakah Daro Minarcheck, Ph.D. (treasurer)