Global Asias Cyber Chat: Globalization and Circulation of Asian Popular Culture (15 Nov 2022)

The Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, in collaboration with the Center for Humanities and the Arts, and the Global Asias Initiative, will present the public webinar, “Global Asias Cyber Chat: Globalization and Circulation of Asian Popular Culture" on Tuesday, November 15, at 12:00pm MST.

AIFIS Consortium Member, Carla Jones (University of Colorado Boulder), together with Candace Epps-Robertson (UNC Chapel Hill) and Anita Mannur (Miami University), will discuss how various forms of Asian popular culture have responded to or engaged with other forms of national and hemispheric popular cultures, such as those in Europe, the Americas, Africa, and the Pacific, how Asian American and Asian diaspora communities have drawn on Asian popular cultures, and the implications of homegrown Asian popular cultures circulating within and beyond Asia.

Click here for more information about the event as well as to stay tuned to upcoming events presented by the Center for Asian Studies at the University of Colorado Boulder.