eTropic Call for Papers: "Decolonizing the Tropics"

Special Issue Theme: Decolonizing the Tropics

This special issue aligns itself with the fields of decolonial, anti-colonial, and postcolonial scholarship, and thinks these theories through the critical notion of tropicality. The aim is to rearticulate these fields in tropical terms, that is, with scholarly, applied/engaged, and creative practices from, about, and with the tropical world. This focus is crucial given that current scholarship in postcolonialism and decoloniality still predominantly originates from European/temperate contexts and is primarily informed by Western philosophies and epistemologies. In order to decolonize this status quo, the special issue recognizes not only that colonial systems have profoundly impacted the tropics, but also that neo-colonial power remains an active material reality. This special issue welcomes papers informed by decolonizing intuitions and from scholars of/from formerly and ongoingly colonized regions of the tropics.

Decolonizing the Tropics seeks disciplinary contributions from:

  • Ecocriticism, Multispecies Studies, Environmental Humanities

  • Anthropology, Heritage and Material Studies, Archaeology

  • Post/colonialism and Decoloniality Studies

  • Queer, Gender, and Sexuality Studies

  • Indigeneity and Indigenous Studies

  • Performance and Cinema Studies

  • History and Philosophy of Science

  • Science and Technology Studies

  • Architecture and Urban Planning

  • Feminist and Cultural Studies

  • Gothic and Horror Studies

This special issue centers on three major themes: theoretical engagements with postcolonialism and decolonialization; new vocabularies and vernaculars through which discourses on decoloniality can be initiated; and varieties of practices across disciplinary fields which demonstrate what decolonial tropicality may be – including its entanglement with people, ecology and climate.

We accept writings in disciplinary genres (the scholarly and the creative), and encourage hybrid forms. We also seek submissions engaging material elements—photographs, videos, art, music, theatre, cinema.

CFP Decolonizing the Tropics

This CFP is open to interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary intertwinings, as well as new perspectives on established disciplinary approaches. It invites papers that consider Decolonization of the Tropics through: science and literatures, histories and futures, realities and fictions, mythologies and technologies, knowledges and practices. It invites a wide range of articles and creative works from researchers who engage with the tropical regions of the world: tropical Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, the Indian Ocean Islands, South Asia, East Asia, Southeast Asia, the tropical north of Australia, Papua and the Pacific Ocean Islands, Hawai’i and the American South.

eTropic: electronic journal of studies in the tropics publishes new research from Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences and allied fields on the variety and interrelatedness of nature, culture, and society in the Tropics. ISSN:1448-2940, free open access; indexed in Scopus, Google Scholar, Ulrich's, DOAJ; archived in Pandora, Sherpa/Romeo; uses DOIs and Crossref; ranked Scimago Q1.  


  • Submissions close 30 March 2023 (full paper)

  • Publication date: June 2023

  • Research article submissions should be about 6000-8000 words

  • Literary, creative works and photographic essays about 4000 words

  • Article Titles should be concise and clear (maximum 2 lines)

  • Include a 100-200-word abstract of the article or creative work + 5 keywords

  • Provide a 100-word biographical note for each author (on separate sheet)

  • Strongly follow APA (edition 7) for in-text citations and reference list

  • Contributions should be submitted as a Microsoft Word file

  • Submissions must conform to and be submitted on the eTropic Style Sheet & Layout

  • All images must be used with permission and referenced

  • Submissions should be uploaded to eTropic online journal site

  • Papers undergo a preliminary review to determine if they meet the criteria of the Special Issue

  • Suitable papers will be double-blind peer reviewed

  • If extensive editing is required the author will be notified regarding Professional Copyediting

  • Authors should browse eTropic articles to make sure they are familiar with the journal’s multidisciplinary scope and style

  • For enquiries, or to pitch your ideas or abstracts, email the Editor: