The Indonesia Ministry of Research Technology in collaboration with AIFIS offers the Academic Writing for International Publication workshop to enhance the capacity of Indonesian scholars in the field of social sciences, arts and humanities, and applied sciences to publish their research in international academic journals or academic presses.

In adapting to the current challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, the workshop series is offered virtually, including through synchronous and asynchronous sessions.

The Academic Writing workshop focuses on the challenges faced by Indonesian scholars working in especially social science fields, arts and humanities, and applied sciences in publishing internationally, and on strategies and methods to overcome these challenges. The workshop targets Indonesian scholars and researchers who have a manuscript in preparation for publication in international outlets. Groups of Indonesian researchers are invited to work with qualified mentors identified by AIFIS, who will assist workshop participants with the skills, knowledge, and procedures necessary to submit manuscripts to reputable international publishers, as well as provide participants with intensive feedback on their manuscripts. Qualified mentors will include experienced scholars and researchers who have a track record of successful publication in high quality international academic journals.

Workshop Date:        May 31 – June 16, 2021 (10-12 working days/2-2.5 weeks)


1)     Virtual Workshop: Synchronous virtual presentation & discussion sessions through Zoom (18:00 – 21:30 WIB)

2)     Small-group mentor-author virtual meetings (1 - 1.5 hour in long via Zoom at a time decided together by mentor and author; 2 times per week)

3)     Intensive cycles of consultation/feedback and rewrite/revision

4)     Daily Assignments

5)      Paper Presentation at the AIFIS-MSU Conference on Indonesian Studies

Application submission deadline is Wednesday, March 31, 2021 23:59 WIB (Jakarta time)

Please submit application to:

Important Dates

Application Open                                   Feb 1, 2021

Application Submission Deadline           March 31, 2021

Notification of Selected Applicants         May 3, 2021

Workshop Dates                                     May 31–June 16, 2021

Presentation at the International

Conference on Indonesian Studies        June 23-26, 2021

Click the below button to download the submission guideline and the application form!