Evil Fails Virtue Prevails: Indonesian Shadow Theater Performance in Honor of US Inauguration

Evil Fails Virtue Prevails: Indonesian Shadow Theater Performance in Honor of US Inauguration

Date: January 30, 2021 | 8:00 AM - 01:00 PM EST / 20:00 - 01:00 WIB in Jakarta (Java), Indonesia

In honor of the inauguration of President Joseph Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris Indonesia’s celebrated shadow theater artist (dalang) Ki Purbo Asmoro will be giving a special live streaming performance from Indonesia.

This event will be covered by Voice of America, and is sponsored by the American Institute for Indonesian Studies (AIFIS) on the simultaneous English translations of the wayang, the Indonesian Cultural and Educational Foundation (AICEF), UNIMA Indonesia and Sanggar Ekalaya, the performance will be a traditional story from the wayang literature but will include specially designed puppets representing President Biden and Vice President Harris that will converse and interact with other characters during the middle of the performance when it is customary for the puppeteer to create comedic scenes that provide social commentary on contemporary events and trends.

Watch below: